John Hall of Orleans Endorses

Thursday, May 12, 2022 (Listed under Publications)

I'm excited to share a very special endorsement for my book, “Planet Power: Explore the World's Renewable Energy.”

It's from another musical hero of mine, John Hall, the founder of the band Orleans (Still the One, Dance with Me, among many other hits). Not only is he a celebrated American singer-songwriter, politician, environmentalist and community activist, but his song, "Power," was the central thesis of the 1979 No Nukes concerts.

“Power” celebrates the potential of the wind, water and sun to electrify our lives safely and sanely. “Power” became the anthem for the anti-nuke, pro-renewable energy movement and remains so today. 

On the website, John recalls the “mixture of excitement, pride and nerves” he felt in 1979 surrounding the “show of strength by the musical community” in support of renewable power. He was, by the way, co-founder of the group Musicians United for Safe Energy (MUSE). Read more about Hall's decades-long career here.

The 1979 No Nukes Rally at Battery Park remains a pivotal memory for John. With the Statue of Liberty seen in the background and Pete Seeger's environmental sailing research vessel, the Clearwater Sloop, tacking back and forth nearby in the Hudson River, Hall, in concert with friends Carly Simon, Graham Nash, Jackson Browne and Bonnie Raitt, performed for a quarter million cheering fans.

I've watched the video of the performance more times than I can count. I return to it for the lyrics, the comforting memories of the artists as young, influential activists, and the fact that this band of musical superstars were doing what they could to turn the political tide toward an acceptance of renewable energy.

Hall writes that it was “the perfect confluence of where I had been and where I was going: the nexus of music, family, environmental awareness, and politics - the axis around which my life would continue to spin.”

To see all of Planet Power's endorsers, click here

To read about Planet Power's offset carbon footprint, click here.  

To purchase Planet Power, click here.

To see John Hall's tour dates this spring and summer, click here.

And to read about John Hall's remarkable social and cultural accomplishments, click here

John's endorsement of Planet Power: Explore the World's Renewable Energy (Barefoot Books, 2021; Annalisa Beghelli, Illustrator)

“‘Planet Power' is a how-to guide for unleashing the Earth's renewable power. This book and my song, “Power,” celebrate the welcome reality that the wind, water and sun, when harnessed and distributed worldwide, can power this beautiful planet. I recommend it for young and old alike. Pick up a copy today and feel hopeful about our future!”

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