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Politics and the Climate Bill
Thursday, April 29, 2010 — Listed under Environment USA Today published my letter on the climate bill today. Here's the link: http://www.usatoday.com/news/opinion/letters/2010-04-29-letters29_ST2_N.htm Here's the article: Must Read: Carl Safina's Apocalypse Again Friday, April 30, 2010 — Listed under Environment Carl Safina's provocative photo-journal essay, Apocalypse Again, posted today on www.carlsafina.org, is an elegantly written and emotionally provocative call to environmental action! Here is the direct link to the article: On April 20, 2010, Dr. James McCarthy and Timothy Wirth wrote in The Huffington Post, “The President needs to deliver a major speech.... more >> Carl Safina and LA Times Editorial Tuesday, May 11, 2010 — Listed under Environment
In support of climate action, today's LA TimesEditorial: Climate change is the true crisis Cape Wind's Approval is a Clean Energy Triumph! Tuesday, May 11, 2010 — Listed under Environment Below is my online response to a Letter to the Editor (Wind turbines off Cape Cod will ruin national treasure) objecting to USA Today's endorsement of Cape Wind. The letter and readers' commentary can be viewed by clicking here: http://www.usatoday.com/news/opinion/letters/2010-05-12-letters12_ST_N.htm Barbara, you say that you're for clean power, but not in your backyard? That's simply hypocritical. It's time that we all move beyond our.... more >> Biz Markie's Remix and Meera Subramanian's Insight Thursday, May 13, 2010 — Listed under Environment You have to see this! http://cpaf.repoweramerica.org/earthdayremix It's a mashup of Repower America supporters singing and dancing to Markie's clean energy remix of his classic song, "Just a Friend." Also, in Meera Subramanian's USA Today piece, Energy's costs finally meet the eyes, the gifted environmental writer makes a thoughtful and compelling case for advancing energy and climate action. Read Subramanian's words while listening to Mar.... more >> What's the Value of the Gulf, Anyway? Thursday, May 20, 2010 — Listed under Environment Kevin Grandia, Managing Editor of the award-winning blog, www.DeSmogBlog.com, environmental contributor to the Huffington Post and the Guardian online, and Co-Founder of www.VoteforEnvironment.ca, published my piece today at www.EnergyBoom.com.
Here is the article: Observing .... more >> BP and the Damage Done Saturday, May 29, 2010 — Listed under Environment My interview with Plaquemines Parish President, Billy Nungesser, and Captain Keith Kennedy published today on EnergyBoom. Here is the link: http://tinyurl.com/244cbup And. here is the article: When I began my quest to interview the fearless, out-spoken President of Louisiana's Plaquemines Parish, Billy Nungesser, it was as though I was a groupie reaching out to a rock star on tour. Nungesser's mighty public presence on Louisiana's southern G.... more >> My Mom Invites Obama to Read The Climate War! Sunday, July 4, 2010 — Listed under Environment
My poor mother. After enjoying a performance yesterday at the American Ballet Theatre, my mom and I stopped for dinner at Cafe Fiorello. I had just finished reading Eric Pooley's NYT best-selling The Climate War and my mom was half way through her copy. A former art authenticator and long-serving Metropolitan Museum guide, I am sure my mom was looking forward to a little "girl time," a light-hearted summertime night-out with her visiting daughter. But as the first g.... more >> Texas Oil Tycoon goes Green Monday, July 19, 2010 — Listed under Environment In today's NYT, Todd Woody reports on why the BP Disaster prompted Larry Hagman to “bring back the J.R. character.” http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/14/business/media/14adco.html Hagman, whose home in southern California sports a 94-kilowatt solar installation, proudly walks the “Shine, baby, shine” walk; his solar-powered Ojai residence feeds excess electricity directly back to the grid. Hagman has evolved from the stampeding oil tycoon he played on the .... more >> Climate Bill Failure Costing U.S. Billions Tuesday, August 24, 2010 — Listed under Environment Farron Cousins, www.EnergyBoom.com contributor reports on Former President Al Gore's view that the failure of the U.S. Senate to pass legislation to curb greenhouse gases (like the American Power Act) is already costing the country billions of dollars. Cousin's recent blog post reveals that major financial players agree with Gore: Kevin Parker, head of the Frankfurt-based bank's Deutsche Asset Management Division, explained the decision sayin.... more >> Interview with Bloomberg News Author, Eric Pooley Tuesday, August 24, 2010 — Listed under Environment My interview with Eric Pooley concerning the political maneuvering both for and against clean energy legislation was published today on www.EnergyBoom.com. Pooley, who is Deputy Editor for Bloomberg BusinessWeek Magazine, discusses his new book, The Climate War. In our discussion near his Bloomberg Tower office, Pooley offered the following: On.... more >> My Cape Wind Op-Ed Submitted to the Boston Globe Monday, October 11, 2010 — Listed under Environment I sensed that Boston Globe's Beth Daley was somewhat biased in her view of the Cape Wind project when early in her October 10, 2010 article, entitled, "Cape Wind backers blew right by cost," she referred to the pioneering offshore wind installation as an "arresting" concept. Daley described the notion of building 130 wind turbines, capable of supplying two thirds of the electrical power required by Cape Cod, Nantucket, and Martha's Vineyard, as "too steep" an undertaking in "tough economic times." Wind Power Supporters want to make Progress Sunday, December 12, 2010 — Listed under Environment Below is my Letter to the Editor printed in the Cape Cod Times today. It's also available online by clicking here: http://www.capecodonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20101212/OPINION/12120357 Most Cape Wind supporters want progress, not money John Arnold's Dec. 8 letter presents yet more of the same disinformation concerning Cape Wind's pioneering offshore wind farm. Arnold erroneously suggests, "Most of the letters favor.... more >> HAPPY ReNEWable EnergYEAR! Saturday, January 1, 2011 — Listed under Environment Carl Safina's extensive environmental journeys provide compelling justification that ENERGY REFORM (and the Made in the U.S.A. jobs that MUST support it) will provide the indispensable economic stimulus required to get moving again. Below are excerpts from the crisp ideas Safina recently shared with The Washington Post and Booklist readers:
Compelling Economics of the Wind Power Industry Sunday, January 9, 2011 — Listed under Environment On January 2, 2011, EnergyBoom published my article, The Real Economics of the Increasingly Competitive Wind Energy Industry. Here is the piece: As if the 2010 BP Debacle and myriad coal mining conundrums were not enough to rein in renewable energy skeptics, today's Boston Herald features an article by Jay Fitzgerald.... more >> Response 2 NYT GREEN Blog: CW Cleared for Takeoff Sunday, January 9, 2011 — Listed under Environment On January 7, 2011, Matthew L. Wald wrote an article for the NYT's Energy and Environment GREEN Blog entitled, Cape Wind is Cleared for Takeoff--Mostly. Wald's piece reports that Cape WInd received its final government permit last Friday. The online comment I posted for this piece is copied here, below: Great News! This is a long-overdue win and I hope that Cape Wind will inspire clean energy innovation along the 27 U.S. states bordering the sea. Maria Bart.... more >> Green Energy may be America's Next Lunar Landing Sunday, January 9, 2011 — Listed under Environment On January 7, 2011, Matthew L. Wald wrote an article for the NYT's Energy and Environment GREEN Blog entitled, Cape Wind is Cleared for Takeoff--Mostly. Wald's piece quotes Cape Wind spokesman, Mark Rodgers, and reports that Cape Wind received its final government permit last Friday. My second online comment is copied below: Isn't it interestin.... more >> CA Study Calculates Benefits of Clean Energy Thursday, January 13, 2011 — Listed under Environment Today, EnergyBoom published my article, California Study Calculates the Benefits of Clean Energy Innovation Here is a link to the story: http://x.co/LmoO and below is the article. Please contact me at stacy@dallaswriter.com if you have any questions or comments regarding the research cited.
Last week, Michael Norton's January 4th article for the Provincetown Banner, more >> Great News for American CleanTech Innovation! Thursday, March 24, 2011 — Listed under Environment Peter Scudder, V.P. of Marketing for Hyannis, MA-based Hy-Line Cruises, announced Tuesday, March 22, 2011 a pivotal environmental partnership with Cape Wind, America's first offshore windfarm. Hy-Line Cruises, well-known on Cape Cod for their marine adventures, recently embraced Cape Wind's clean energy promise by agreeing to host "Cape Wind Eco-Tours!" Thanks to Hy-Line Cruises.... more >> Environmental Protection is a Tribal Value Wednesday, January 6, 2010 — Listed under Environment The Aquinnah Wampanoag tribe, residing on the far-southwestern limit of Martha's Vineyard would likely see their cultural values reflected by Cape Wind if it were not for waterfront land-owners manipulating them to satisfy their own agenda. It is disrespectful to the Wampanoag people and to the cultural heritage of Native Americans nation-wide to use the Wampanoag's recently granted legal status to fight a project that would otherwise be viewed by the tribe as a model for environmental conservation and thoughtful resource management. After all, where have the Wampan.... more >> Renewable Energy Appeals to my Spiritual Side! Thursday, January 7, 2010 — Listed under Environment Regarding the claim by the Aquinnah Wampanoag people that Cape Wind's project would interfere with their spiritual rituals (NYT, January 5, 2010), consider the incessant interference from southeastern Massachusetts' increasingly poor air quality and the near-disappearance of century's-old Native American fishing grounds. Cape Wind will transform mechanical wind energy into the renewable, pollution-free electricity that will supply two-thirds of the power required by Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard, and Nantucket. As a now distant descendent of an Oklahom.... more >> Protecting the Air We Breathe Not A Priority? Tuesday, January 12, 2010 — Listed under Environment Alaska Senator, Lisa Murkowski's amendment to prohibit the EPA from regulating greenhouse gases sounds so familiar. It wasn't too long ago that the Bush Administration regularly disregarded the pioneering air and water quality protections enacted before George himself even entered college. While still in high-school, serious-minded lawmakers like Edmund Muskie labored with colleagues late into the evenings to pass landmark socio-environmental legislation, including the Clean Air Act of 1963, and later, the Air Quality Act of 1967; the Clean Air Act Extension.... more >> Cape Wind is a National Treasure Worth Preserving Thursday, January 14, 2010 — Listed under Environment Carol Shull, the Keeper of the Register for the U.S. National Parks determined yesterday that Nantucket Sound is eligible for consideration as a Traditional Cultural Property. But isn't Cape Wind's proposal also a national treasure? 130 off-shore windmills spinning sea breezes into clean, green electricity will protect our nation's history by producing carbon-free electricity, which will signal “Yes!” to other renewable energy entrepreneurs and investors who are waiting to see tangible evidence of our Administration's commitment to altern.... more >> Dear Secretary Salazar Friday, January 15, 2010 — Listed under Environment I respectfully urge you to enter a favorable Record of Decision for Cape Wind. America is ready for the decades-overdue energy alternatives that will create green-collar jobs, inspire business innovation, re-ignite the economy, improve air quality, and increase America's energy independence and security. Please help President Obama deliver the kind of leadership from Washington that will galvanize American imagination and ingenuity and drive a green energy revolution. more >>Cost of Cape Wind Pales Next to Cost of Status Quo Thursday, June 23, 2011 — Listed under Environment On Tuesday, June 21, 2011, the Cape Cod Times printed my Letter to the Editor: “Cost of Cape Wind Pales Next to Cost of Status Quo." Here's the short link: http://bit.ly/kthXHD And, here's the letter: In reading more >> Responding to Robert Kennedy's WSJ Op-Ed Monday, July 18, 2011 — Listed under Environment In today's Wall Street Journal, Robert Kennedy, Jr. writes another Op-Ed in opposition to Cape Wind. My online response to Kennedy's unfortunate perspective is copied below. Here is the short link to the WSJ piece, entitled, "Nantucket's Wind Power Rip-Off:" http://tinyurl.com/3lnk7r4 Robert Kennedy misses the point altogether! Taxpayers in MA and all over the country are routinely “fleeced” each time they pay their utility bill and appropriate warning labels are omitted. Here is what c.... more >> Must-See Climate Speech by RI's Sen. Whitehouse Monday, October 24, 2011 — Listed under Environment Joe Romm, the Center for American Progress's climate guru and one of the most well-respected scientific journalists on the subject today, posted a speech given on the floor of Congress by RI's Democratic Senator, Sheldon Whitehouse. in the 23-minute "stemwinder" speech, Senator Whitehouse laments the failure of the U.S. Senate to act on global warming: "We are earning the scorn and condemnation of history...It is magic.... more >> Climate Artist Shines Light on Dirty Politics Tuesday, January 3, 2012 — Listed under Environment We know that scientists influence society in powerful ways. On December 14th, 2011, Senators Al Franken (D-MN) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) addressed Congress and reminded America not only of the debt we owe scientists for their steadfast commitment to cures and innovation, but also the reliance we have always placed on their research and findings. To paraphrase Senator Franken: “Scientists engineer life-saving drugs, like antibiotics, drill potable drinking wells and save billions of lives with high-yield, disease-resistance crops. They even delivere.... more >> The Promiscuous Politics of the Energy Industry Saturday, July 21, 2012 — Listed under Environment Last week, Huffington Post Green published my interview with climate scientist and Nobel Prize Winning author, Dr. Michael E. Mann. Here is a link to the story: http://huff.to/MSp8Ps and below is the article. Please contact me at stacy@dallaswriter.com if you have any questions or comments - I would love to hear from you! Have you noticed the rise in the use of political graphs of late? You know, those smart charts that now appear regularly on political news shows like MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Show. The well-honed v.... more >> Can N.Y. Power its Way to a Sustainable Future? Tuesday, March 12, 2013 — Listed under Environment Today, Huffington Post Green posted my article, copied below. Many thanks to Stanford University's pioneering Mark Z. Jacobson for sharing the findings of his resent report, which reveal, he says, the technical and economic feasibility of repowering an individual state for all purposes primarily with win.... more >> Rooftop Revolution Saturday, August 17, 2013 — Listed under Environment On August 12, the Huffington Post pubished this review of Danny Kennedy's book: If you've ever imagined a global trek around the world, you will love Danny Kennedy's book, “Rooftop Revolution: How Solar Power Can Save Our Economy—and our Planet—from Dirty Energy.” It's an illuminating, pragmatic and often humorous adventure that charts the author's evolution from a tween environmental activist to .... more >> Stanford Study Examines Methane's Climate Impacts Saturday, February 15, 2014 — Listed under Environment A report released this week in the journal Science entitled, “Methane Leaks from North American Natural Gas Systems,” suggests that continued scrutiny of the natural gas industry is justified. Its lead author, Adam Brant, a Stanford University assistant professor, who studies the environmental impacts of energy systems, documents that the amount of methane gas escaping from natural gas drilling ope.... more >> Goldman Sachs Divests from Coal Project Saturday, February 15, 2014 — Listed under Environment In January, investment giant, Goldman Sachs, which has already forecast that the value of the coal industry “will be gradually eroded,” recently divested its stake in a Seattle company with plans to construct the proposed Gateway Pacific coal export terminal. The project's proponents hope to ship more >> Coca-Cola & Nike Support Climate Change Action Saturday, February 15, 2014 — Listed under Environment Last month, Coca-Cola and Nike linked the impacts of a dangerously warming planet, particularly long-term droughts and record-breaking flooding, with the disruption of their natural resource and material supply chains. With both companies now publicly supporting regulations aimed at curbing the use of fossil fuels and the funding of clean energy infrastructure, it's not unrealistic to expect that the market valuation for oil, coal, and natural ga.... more >> Fossil Fuels will Become Stranded Assets Saturday, February 15, 2014 — Listed under Environment STORY UPDATE: On Tuesday, April 8, 2014, Suzanne Goldenberg (@suzyji) of The Guardian US, reported that managers of Harvard University's $33 billion endowment adopt UN-backed responsible investment rules: http://tinyurl.com/qc3dqhr Financial hedge fund manager, Jeremy Grantham, who oversees a $117 billion Bos.... more >> Major Endowments Divest from Fossil Fuels Saturday, February 15, 2014 — Listed under Environment STORY UPDATE: On Tuesday, April 8, 2014, Suzanne Goldenberg (@suzyji) of The Guardian US, reported that managers of Harvard University's $33 billion endowment adopt UN-backed responsible investment rules: http://tinyurl.com/qc3dqhr News this January included many headlines on the fossil fuel divestment movement, with a particular emphasis on the more >> Climate Change Awareness Climbs Tuesday, April 8, 2014 — Listed under Environment In February, I posted this article on the Huffington Post: "Clean Energy Powers College and University Endowments." In it, I wrote: "with the impacts of climate change directly impacting global commerce, with private equity investors distancing themselves from unsustainable investments, with clean energy delivering winning returns, and with more endowments turning toward the sun and the wind and away from business as usual, colleges and university endo.... more >> It's Not the Weather - it's Climate Disruption Wednesday, May 28, 2014 — Listed under Environment Climate scientists are beginning to point to the extreme weather events of the last few years to illustrate the impacts of man-made climate change. John Holdren, the Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, made the suggestion while speaking, last December, at The Grantham Institute for Climate Change at London's Imperial College. This remarkably thorough and precise one-hour presentation&nbs.... more >> Massachusetts may be the First State to Divest Saturday, June 14, 2014 — Listed under Environment My interview with MA State Senator Benjamin B. Downing is the focus of my most recent article on Huffington Post's Green Blog. Below are a few of the highlights from our conversation. For more information on Downing's proposal to divest MA's pension fund from fossil fuels, contact the Senator at.... more >> When the Wind Blows: An Environmental Success Story Saturday, January 3, 2015 — Listed under Environment There's more than enough hard work ahead this year for every environmentally engaged citizen -- lots of hurdles to jump, lots of town meetings to attend, and many legal challenges to win! Mary Wood, author of Nature's Trust, recently appeared on Bill Moyers delivering the kind of inspiration we all can use. Explaining how ancient Trust Law can be leveraged to ensure that local, state and federal governments fulfill their responsibility to pro.... more >> Hold onto your Bonnets: Wind & Solar Soar in Texas Friday, June 19, 2015 — Listed under Environment It may be hard to believe, but plans are underway to power a conservative Texas community with 100% wind- and solar-powered electricity.
Texas City Powered by 100% Renewable Electricity Tuesday, October 20, 2015 — Listed under Environment It may be hard to believe, but plans are underway to power a conservative Texas community with 100% wind- and solar-powered electricity. Thanks to Ari Phillips's June 11th more >> 100% Renewable Energy by 2050! Thursday, December 10, 2015 — Listed under Environment As the U.N. climate talks in Paris continue to draw international attention, one important article in Scientific American sums up the hope, promise and potential of the conference with numbers we can all relate to. Mark Fischetti's interview with Stanford University Professor Mark Jacobson is a refreshing dive into the technological and economic roadmap.... more >> Climate Change Remapping Louisiana's Coastline Friday, May 22, 2020 — Listed under Environment The last five years of this blog were lost in a recent server update, so it's time for a new website! In the meantime, please check out my climate consultancy site, StacyClarkClimate.com. A sampling of my climate and environmental stories can be found on this site's Publications tab. I'm currently working on a number of exciting climate projects, including a review of Louisiana's coastal ecology ten years after the BP Macando well blowout in the Gulf of Mexico. It wa.... more >> Tom Steyer Interview Tuesday, November 10, 2020 — Listed under Environment Interviewing environmental and energy experts is one of my favorite things to do professionally and personally. My story, which connects Steyer's vision for a fair and just American energy rennaissance with Verdant Power's recent installation of tidal turbines in NYC's East River, can be viewed on Medium at Sta.... more >> An Impartial Review of Mark Jacobson's Latest Book Thursday, April 29, 2021 — Listed under Environment When you've followed the evolving research of a leading clean energy expert and become a supporter of his vision for a global clean energy transition, it should come as no surprise that I was eager to crack open Mark Jacobson's 2021 book release, 100% Clean, Renewable Energy and Storage for Everything. I've known Mark for over ten years, even before I learned of his audacious road.... more >> My Interview with Clearloop.us CEO Laura Zapata Friday, August 6, 2021 — Listed under Environment In my recent Meet the Heroes interview, you will meet Laura Zapata, CEO of Clearloop.us, a Nashville-based solar power solutions company that is building a solar power farm in western Tennessee. Laura is also a former communications executive at UBER. In anticipation of Clearloop's upcoming groundbreaking in Jackson, Tennessee on September 2, I spoke to Laura about Clearloop delivering one million watts of solar power to a carbon intensive region and .... more >> Buy Renewables & Electrify Everything! Friday, March 11, 2022 — Listed under Environment We can all reduce the demand for conflict fuels by switching to a renewable energy electricity provider. Buying renewable power means that the money you spend on electricity goes to the construction of wind turbines, solar farms and batteries, not fossil fuel extraction, transportation, refining and combustion. Buying renewable power means that you're part of the clean energy transformation. Each individual choice to switch to renewables adds up - the collective increased demand means that wind and solar power are .... more >> Wild Bird Fund of NYC and Vester to the Rescue Tuesday, June 21, 2022 — Listed under Environment Walking the Central Park Reservoir on Friday, we followed an adorable Canadian Goose making her way around the pond. She seemed intent to return to the water but just kept walking, kind of waddling left, then right, then left again. As she looked longingly at the still, glassy water, we wondered, was she injured? Was she sick? Several passerbys commented that they had seen this same Goose there all week, circling the Reservoir, though unable to reach it by flight. (note: to see the photos for this story, link to my instagram account more >> Inna Braverman's Ocean Promise Tuesday, June 28, 2022 — Listed under Environment Today, I finally met @EcoWavePower's Inna Braverman (@InnaBraverman) in person. Part of “The Next Scientific Revolution” conference, hosted by @TheAtlantic @CityWineryNYC, Inna shared her company's model and vision for a cleaner energy future. Great Reporting on Climate Crisis by Bill McKibben Monday, August 22, 2022 — Listed under Environment Bill McKibben's latest on Substack is a fascinating global review of the unfolding climate crisis and its endless consequences. Glad to read that some UK universities are considering divesting from research grants funded by fossil fuel companies. It's definitely the right thing to do. Wouldn't be great if US universities followed suit? We don't need Exxon, Chevron and Shell funding climate education, so much of which now must focus on battery optimization, deployment and the complicated intersection of science and politics. We've been trying to get fossil fuel l.... more >> ClimateCast chats at StacyClarkBooks.com Wednesday, June 1, 2022 — Listed under Environment If you're interested in my perspective on how to best share the science of climate change with children, check out a series of recent video clips on the ClimateCast link at StacyClarkBooks.com. In these brief chats, I and Christy Mihaly, author of the award-winning book, WATER: A Deep Dive of Discovery, enjoy a conversation about kids and science with Neil Gordon, CEO of the Discovery Museum in Acton, MA. We speak about our excitement for harnessing and distributing renewable ener.... more >> The Shifting Beaches of Long Island's East End Thursday, February 4, 2021 — Listed under Teaching Andrea Anthony is the owner of the iconic LUNCH restaurant located in Amagansett on the sandy stretch of road connecting the Hamptons to Montauk. The summertime destination is a hotspot for vacationers heading to and from the bluffs, beaches and lighthouse that make Montauk famous. LUNCH is also one of the familiar locations featured in the HBO hit series, “The Affair.” Not far from LUNCH is Anthony's summer home, where the restauranteur (and now also tequila manufacturer) shared her observations of climate change. It's from her second-story deck.... more >> An Interview with Mark Z. Jacobson Thursday, June 24, 2021 — Listed under Publications Mark Z. Jacobson is not only a renewable energy expert; he's an athlete, an author, a globally recognized speaker and an atmospheric science professor and thought leader at Stanford University. He's also the author of a complete guide to renewable energy: 100% Clean, Renewable Energy and Storage for Everything (Cambridge University Press, 2020) In this Zoom interview on my StacyClarkBooks .... more >> Climate Leaders Endorse "When the Wind Blows" Saturday, October 10, 2015 — Listed under Publications Ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris (COP21) next month, "When the Wind Blows" is receiving shining endorsements from leading environmental experts, including Bill McKibben, Mark Jacobson and Mark Ruffalo. The rhyming picture book, by Stacy Clark (Holiday House Books / Aged 3-8), is a renewable energy adventure that engages readers to embrace wind power as a sustainable source of clean electricity. The lyrical stanzas, accompanied by Brad Sneed's ink-and watercolor illustrations, transform the science of wind power technology into appealing.... more >> "Planet Power" Wins Nautilus Award! Tuesday, June 14, 2022 — Listed under Publications Planet Power: Explore the World's Renewable Energy, illustrated by Annalisa Beghelli and published last year by Barefoot Books, received a Nautilus “Better Books for a Better World” Award! Nautilus Book awards shine a light on books of “exceptional merit that make a literary contribution to green values, sustainability, responsible leadership and positive social change.” Also, the Climate Reality Chapter of Boca Raton, recently shared this endorsement of Planet Power on their Facebook page: “ Full Circle: To Cambridge and Back Again Friday, April 14, 2023 — Listed under Publications Cambridge, MA is where my environmental career began. During the summer of my junior year in college, I worked as in intern at Harvard's School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, researching the geology of the WR Grace site in Acton, MA and drafting one section of a report that Harvard submitted to the EPA, as part of a Superfund study. The next summer, I was out west, at Stanford's Dept of Applied Earth Sciences, helping grad students with their study of the Salinas Valley and how to best protect it from sea water intrusion. That was my first exposu.... more >> John Hall of Orleans Endorses Thursday, May 12, 2022 — Listed under Publications I'm excited to share a very special endorsement for my book, “Planet Power: Explore the World's Renewable Energy.” It's from another musical hero of mine, John Hall, the founder of the band Orleans (Still the One, Dance with Me, among many other hits). Not only is he a celebrated American singer-songwriter, politician, environmentalist and community activist, but his song, "Power," was the central thesis of the 1979 No Nukes concerts. “Power” celebrates the potential of the wind, water and sun to electrify ou.... more >> Climate Books and Action for Everyone Saturday, October 23, 2021 — Listed under Publications Earth has been described as the Goldilocks planet because of its perfect chemical, physical and biological balance. But that balance is changing because of climate change. The well-funded climate misinformation campaigns, designed to distract and delay progress on renewables by doubting science and scientists is unfortunate. As Michael E. Mann writes in his latest book, more >> Wall Street Journal Letter to the Editor Friday, January 15, 2010 — Listed under Publications My Letter to the WSJ was printed!! Here's the link: online.wsj.com/article And here is the article: Regarding your editorial "Nantucket Wind Ride" (Jan. 8): Perhaps few things have surprised environmental advocates more than the Aquinnah Wampanoag Indians opposing Cape Wind's construction of 130 wind turbines off the eastern coast of Martha's Vineyard, on the grounds that such an installation would interfere with their spiritual su.... more >> Cape Cod Times Letter to the Editor Tuesday, February 23, 2010 — Listed under Publications My Letter to the Cape Cod Times was printed on Sunday, February 21, 2010. Here's the link: www.capecodonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article And here is the article: The nearly decade-long sociopolitical debate that has arisen over Cape Wind's proposal to build 130 windmills in Nantucket Sound begs the question: at what point do the obstructionist tactics of alternative energy's detractors become an unacceptable distraction from the pressing .... more >> Off-shore winds can shrink our carbon footprint Sunday, March 28, 2010 — Listed under Publications My Letter to the Editor in support of Cape Wind was published in today's Cape Cod Times. Here is the link: http://www.capecodonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100328/OPINION/3280343/-1/opinion And here is the article: Nantucket Sound is a national treasure. Apart from her scenic beauty and once-rich fishing grounds, Nantucket Sound's offshore winds reveal her most endearing charm—the opportunity to shrink our growing carbon footprint..... more >> It's not the Weather Monday, April 19, 2010 — Listed under Publications www.dailyclimate.org published my article today! Douglas Fischer, an award-winning writer and journalist and dailyclimate's Editor, did a fantastic job of making this piece really stand out! I hope that you'll have a look. Doug can be reached at dfischer@dailyclimate.org Here's the link to the piece: http://wwwp.dailyclimate.org/tdc-newsroom/2010/04/its-not-the-weather more >> INKUBATE is for WRITERS! Tuesday, May 17, 2011 — Listed under Publications Yes, I HAVE been working on a new climate article involving the pioneering work of U.K. legal scholar, Polly Higgins, University of Oregon law professor, Mary Wood, and Massachusetts-based environmental attorney, Matt Pawa. Collectively, their careers reveal that trust law may provide the modern remedy required to protect our a.... more >> San Miguel de Allende! Monday, February 6, 2012 — Listed under Observations I'm traveling to the heart of Mexico soon... And, I'm excited! There are literally hundreds of reasons to go! Like, for example, the bounty of writers, poets, playwrights, comedians, documentarians, journalists, editors, publishers, agents and artists who will meet, mingle and collaborate at the 7th Annual San Miguel de Allende Writers Conference, beginning February 16th. Nevertheless, like all seasoned procrastinators, I put off booking the trip...until last week, that is, when I landed on Laurie Gough's travel essay, "Think in Colors." I wa.... more >> The OccupyWriters Movement Represents Us All! Monday, November 28, 2011 — Listed under Observations
Publishers Search, Browse & Discover New Writing! Wednesday, September 14, 2011 — Listed under Observations In his August 31st GigaOM article, “Amazon Continues on its Mission to Disintermediate Publishers,” award-winning journalist, Mathew Ingram, writes about the many steps Amazon has taken recently to cut publishers out of the market and to build relationships directly with authors. Nathan Bransford picked up on Ingram's piece last week, describing Amazon .... more >> Where You Lead, I Will Follow Monday, September 19, 2011 — Listed under Observations This weekend's Austin City Limits Music Festival (ACL) was probably the first outdoor concert where the crowd cheered when the rain rolled in. The record-breaking summer heat wave and extensive drought have fueled deadly wildfires across southern Texas. It's no surprise that the fans were ecstatic. Though a bill has been proposed and approved to increase the state's potable water supply, it has yet to receive funding, according to Vanessa Martin, Media Relations Manager for more >> Nantucket Drowned: Guardians of Nantucket Sound Friday, January 1, 2010 — Listed under Observations Nantucket Drowned: The Farcical Comedy of Affluent NIMBY Islanders Masquerading as Guardians of Nantucket Sound. Come on now…everyone sees through it. The Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound is nothing more than a local campaign to protect the myopic agenda of the NIMBY rich landowners of Cape Cod. If only Oscar Wilde were around to write the play! more >> Remembering Ray Bradbury Saturday, June 16, 2012 — Listed under Observations As a co-founder of Inkubate.com, I'm deeply saddened by the passing of our friend, Ray Bradbury, the National Medal of Arts recipient, best known for such seminal works as Fahrenheit 451 and The Martian Chronicles. Remarkably, some of Ray's last public commentary about the status of the publishing industry focused on Inkubate and its goal of helping writers build their careers: “Inkubate is giving voice to new writers as well as resurrecting those that should not be forgotten. They have posted three of Dolp.... more >> The "Hybrid" Novel Tuesday, February 28, 2012 — Listed under Writers Conferences Writers loved the workshop I attended, last week, in San Miguel de Allende. Led by Susan Sutliff Brown, Ph.D., a James Joyce Scholar and a top-notch literary coach, “Everything You Need to Know About Creating Great Fiction in 90 Minutes or Less” was a fast-paced literary adventure. We couldn't get enough of Brown's anecdotes involving the “hybridization” of fiction. “Open with a violation of the natural order of things,” Professor Brown directed as we endeavored to write an introductor.... more >> | | |
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